
My Bullet online :
finally my online Bullet Journal!

Get organized and find more time
for what really matters.


All my lists : tasks, appointments, notes, habits, memories,

in one place,

available everywhere : my phone, my tablet, my computer.

My Bullet online :
finally my online Bullet Journal!

Get organized and find more time
for what really matters


All my lists : tasks, appointments, notes, habits, memories,

in one place,

available everywhere : my phone, my tablet, my computer.

My BuJo online - Fille-crayon-400
Bullet Journal - My Bullet online

An online Bullet Journal?

If you are familiar with the Bullet Journal created by Ryder Carroll, you know how handy it is to have all your lists in one place.

Whether it’s to plan your tasks, write down your ideas and desires, keep memories, easily find information, or even just have your shopping list…


More than lists, the Bullet Journal allows you to organize your life, both personal and professional, to introduce habits, to write down your dreams and wishes and to make them a reality.


It allows you to think about the why before tackling the what and the how.

Being productive and efficient is good.

Doing things that really matter to you, is better.

What are the pros of the digital version?

The idea behind Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal is to write in a paper notebook, but if you would rather use an online organizational tool, the Bujo in its online version will allow you to:

Not always have to carry a notebook with you (and thus avoid forgetting things or ending up having to write them down elsewhere) because a basic Internet connection is all you need. You are free to go wherever you want.

View all your tasks and appointments in a single planner if you use an electronic calendar,


Easily move tasks from one day to the next or from one list to another (although of course the goal is to get them done so you don’t have to move them to the next day),

Use links to quickly access online information,


Be able to find information using an integrated search engine (and avoid turning all the pages of your notebook and therefore save time)…

In short: you save time (by not losing any), and you are totally free.

My Bullet online accessible partout

Wherever you are, whatever you do: write down your new ideas, things not to forget, follow your roadmap, find all the important information, … free yourself from the mental load.

And enjoy the moment.

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My Bullet online method

  • An online organization and project management tool that will save you time.
  • A hybrid between organization and personal development to do mainly what is important to You.


1/ Think about what is really important to you when defining your goals in all aspects of your life.

2/ Determine the actions that will allow you to achieve these goals, and decide when you will accomplish them.

3/ Carry out these actions without being distracted or interrupted. Easily find all your notes, tasks and appointments to save time.

4/ Follow up on your achievements, improve if needed, be proud of the progress you have made and keep going. 

Reach all your goals

Make all your dreams come true

He who has no goals is unlikely to achieve them.” (Sun-tzu)

A study has shown that people who write down their New Year’s resolutions are more likely to achieve them.

This is because thinking about and writing down your goals makes them more real.

Moreover, seeing your goals written down and regularly reading them allows you to keep your wishes in mind and to act to fulfill them.


With My Bullet online, write down: 

– your purposes in life

– your goals for the year

– your goals for each month

– each week

– each day

And make whatever you want happen.



My BuJo online - Mes objectifs
My BuJo online - Mon agenda

Just start acting on it

Stop procrastinating

One of the main reasons for procrastination is not knowing what to do, where to start.

Once you have looked at your goals, write down the actions (tasks/appointments) that will allow you to reach them.


In this digital Bullet Journal, you can define your personal roadmap:

– each year,

– each quarter,

– each month,

– each week,

– each day.


Before starting a new period, set the tasks and projects you will carry out.

You save time because every day you only have to follow your roadmap: you have already identified in advance the actions to be taken to reach your goals.

Develop good lifestyle habits,

continuously improve yourself

A habit is an action that we perform automatically, without thinking.

Whether they are good or bad, habits are what make us who we are. They make us successful or not.

But before they become something automatic, we need to “force” ourselves to perform these actions every day so that we finally do them without even having to think about it.

To do this, keeping track of these actions every day can help motivate us to keep going.


With My Bullet online, easily visualize the habits you want to implement and tick off each day or month when it is achieved.


My BuJo online - Prendre de bonnes habitudes
My BuJo online - Ecrire un livre

Make your dreams come true

If you want to tackle a project that requires action and perseverance over a long period of time, do a follow-up to motivate yourself and see your progress.

Are you writing a book and tend to procrastinate?

For example, set a goal of writing 400 words a day. If that still seems too difficult, try setting a goal of 100 words, which you must do every day. You’ll find that some days you’ll only write 100, and others 1000 or even 2000!

The hardest part is getting started, and this handy tracking chart will give you the impetus to start, continue and finish all your projects.


Keep in mind

Write a gratitude journal

Memory is something you can’t trust. Of course, it is possible to improve your memory, but the brain has its limits (and also chooses which data it wants to keep in order to save itself).


My Bullet online contains a Journal, which you can fill in order to:

– keep a record of your best memories,

– write down your gratitude so you can remember what you already have, and boost your happiness level,

– record your moodproductivity and energy levels.


At the end of each day/week/month/year, you will be able to take a look at what you have accomplished, see what worked and what didn’t, learn from it to know what you should continue, improve or stop doing.

Mon journal dans My BuJo online
My BuJo online - Mes ressentis par semaine
My BuJo online - Mes ressentis par mois
My Bullet online - mood tracker annuel pixel

Know yourself better

By making a connection between your levels of:

– energy,

– productivity,

– and your mood,

With other variables such as:

– the quality of your sleep,

– the meals youve eaten,

– how much water you drank,

– the number of friends youve seen,

– the number of hugs, smiles, that you gave, …


You will know what will make you on top of the world and make everything you want to do possible.



Save time… for yourself

By having all your information in one place, you don’t waste time looking for it.

By knowing exactly what tasks to do each day, you are more productive.

By having specific tasks that only aim to the reaching of your objectives, you are more efficient.

This way, you free up time for what really matters to you: your hobbies, enjoying your loved ones, learning a new activity… Allocate this extra time in your lists and agenda, like a date with yourself.


Profiter de sa famille - My BuJo online

Create your My Bullet online account now and start saving time

My Bullet online fleurs sérénité

Find the best of organization and personal development concepts in My Bullet online

– GTD method (Get Things Done)
– gratitude journal
– Pareto’s law
– Parkinson’s law
– Eisenhower’s matrix
– habits tracking
– Kaizen method
– and many more…

to be adapted and personalized according to your own lifestyle.