My Bullet online
The Blog

Digital bullet journal: Bullet journaling taken to the next level?
Looking for a digital Bullet journal? Create a free My Bullet online account here! You like the concept of the Bullet Journal but you're having trouble making it your own? Or maybe you can't draw (like me), it's ugly and you don't want to use it anymore? Or...
Bullet Journal: What is it? Everything you need to know about this method of organization and personal development
If you have even a minimum interest in organization and productivity methods, as well as personal development, you have surely heard of the Bullet Journal or BuJo. But what is a Bullet Journal? What is it used for? How to create a Bullet Journal and how to use it? All...
Why SMART goals are (almost) never achieved
If you're the type of person who sets goals, whether at the beginning of the year or even on a more regular basis, you may be familiar with (and use) the SMART method. It may be that, despite these SMART goals, you still find it hard to achieve them, and...
13 collection ideas to get organized at work with a digital Bullet Journal
How to use a Bullet Journal to get organized at work? Even better, with a digital Bullet Journal! Are you overwhelmed at work? As they say, you are "under water"? Yet, you already use all kinds of organizational tools: to do lists, Google Calendar, notebooks, project...
10 collections ideas to manage your home with an online bullet journal
Cleaning, cooking, shopping... These are things you can't do without. And unless you have a housekeeper and a cook at home, managing your home can take up a lot of your time, energy and mental load. I created My Bullet online to help you make time for what...
How to customize the design of My Bullet online
Some people think that a Bullet Journal in which you can’t draw is not a real Bullet Journal.
Anyway, the particularity of a Bullet Journal is that you can customize it, adapt it to your needs and lifestyle.
And on top of that, the illustrations can make it fun to use.
With My Bullet online, you can customize the design of your account and create pages, add all the collections you want.
2023 review and 2024 goals: 5 questions to improve every aspect of your life
Here are 5 questions I ask myself every year to take stock and set my goals.
Online Bullet Journal vs. traditional Bullet Journal, what are the differences? A complete comparison
If you are already using a Bullet Journal or are wondering about using one after discovering the complete Bullet Journal guide here, you may be wondering what My Bullet online could do for you. The big difference between a traditional Bullet Journal and My Bullet...
Preparing for Christmas with an online Bullet Journal: 33 collection ideas for organizing the festive season
The month of December is synonymous with festivities, but also with stress, with the organization of Christmas, New Year’s Eve and school vacations. Get organized with these collection ideas, and have a magical and serene holiday season.
147 ideas for online Bullet Journal collections
When we talk about the Bullet Journal, we think about the collections that help with organizing. With an online Bullet Journal, the principle is more or less the same, with the differences that can be encountered between a paper tool and a digital one. In this...